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Балтийская коллегия адвокатов
имени Анатолия Собчака
Главная / The Baltic board of lawyers named after Anatoly Sobchak

The Baltic Board of Lawyers, named after Anatoly Sobchak

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Baltic Board of Lawyers, named after Anatoly Sobchak (the first Mayor of St Petersburg), was established on 26 December 1996. Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak was elected first President of the Board and it was his initiative to take the Latin aphorism: “Jus est ars boni et aequi” (“Law is the art of the good and the just”) as the motto of the Board.

A distinct feature of our Board is not only to render legal services, but also to grant legal aid on a case by case special-purposes basis. Individual assessment gives the Board the possibility to improve fairness, quality and efficiency, when granting legal aid.

The Board consists of a number of “special-purpose agencies”, which cover the legal areas of different branches of law: criminal, customs, tax, business, customers protection, a victim aid support agency, land and property rights agency, assistance in taking legal action to The European Court of Human Rights and transportation law, an agency for collecting evidentiary information.

Advocates of our Board are highly skilled lawyers who are ready to grant legal aid to private and juristic persons related to all branches of law and by extension to complicated legal undertakings.

The practice of our Board is to offer a full compliment of legal services for both the private and juristic persons. You can choose a personal or family advocate from the members of our Board, who will assist you in settling your legal matters.

We would actively like to encourage all individuals to bring forward their situations in person, so we are at least able to offer advice in the first instance and/or take on the case directly. Our motto, together with a professional approach and direct specialists in those legal areas mentioned above, will help the advocates of The Baltic Board of Lawyers to settle even the most complicated legal cases.


President of the Baltic Board of Lawyers named after Anatoly Sobchak

Jury Novolodskiy

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